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Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Ebook 25 Ribu-an

Note: Silahkan beli Ebook di bawah ini dengan harga 25 Ribuan (minimal pembelian 10 judul Ebook). Bila pembelian kurang dari 10 judul ebook, maka per -ebook harganya 5o ribuan.

1. Bogdan, Robert C. Dan Biklen, Sari Knoop, Qualitative Research for Education; An Introduction to Theory and Method,
2. Connoly, Peter, ed., Approaches to The Study of Religion.
3. Creswell, John W. Research Design Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches.
4. Miles, Mattew .B & Huberman, A. Michael, Qualitative Data Analysis, an Expanded Sourcebook-.
5. Silverman, David, ed., Qualitative Research: Theory, Method, and Practice. California: SAGE Publication, Inc.,1997
6. Radicalism and Political Reform in the Islamic and Western Worlds by Kai Hafez
7. Roots of Radical Islam in Central Asia by M.B. Olcott
8. Politics in Indonesia: Democracy, Islam and the Ideology of Tolerance (Politics in Asia)by Douglas Ramage
9. Revival and Reform in Islam: A Study of Islamic Fundamentalism by Fazlur Rahman
10. Islamic Fundamentalism since 1945 (Making of the Contemporary World) by Milton-Edwards
11. Globalization and Islamism: Beyond Fundamentalism by Nevzat Soguk
12. Fostering Fundamentalism: Terrorism, Democracy And American Engagement in Central Asia (Us Foreign Policy and Conflict in the Islamic World) (Us Foreign Policy and Conflict in the Islamic World)by Matthew Crosston
13. Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice Michael Bonner
14. Islam and Ideology in the Emerging Indonesian State: The Persatuan Islam (Persis), 1923 to 1957 (Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia)
15. Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad 16. Devin R. Springer, James L. Regens, David N. Edger
17. Islamic Thought Abd aljabiri
18. Madrasa_in_Asia Farish Noor
19. David Schmidtz - The Elements of Justice - CUP
20. Azar 3 (workbook) english grammar
21. bookofpeace
22. classical arabic philosophy
23. Education acros borders
24. educational research
25. emile_durkheim AGama
26. Feminist research
27. Feminist theory the state johana kantola
28. Global ethics hans kung
29. Guthrie_Faces in the clouds - a new theory of religion
30. Handbook of mass communication research
31. Indonesia pra-pos soeharto
32. Indonesian politics and society
33. Islam And Religious Pluralism Muthohari
34. Islam Indonesia and fatwa by MB Hooker
35. Islam n Ideology Indonesia Howard federspil
36. Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism sachedina
37. Islamic Thought abd saeed
38. John perkins economic hit man
39. Zakaria, Fareed - The Post-American World (Norton; 2008)
40. Understanding human communication
41. transforming multicultural edu
42. Total Quality Management in Education Edward Sallis
43. theory n philosophy of education
44. The_Social_Construction_of_Reality Berger_Luckmann
45. The_Interpretation_of_Dreams_-_Sigmund_Freud
46. The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods
47. strugling Kiyai Jombang
48. Reformation Islamic thought nasr abu zaid
49. Remaking Politics Muslim
50. protestant ethic n spirit capitalism Max Weber
51. protestant ethnic n spirit capitalism Chow
52. Progresif muslim safi malaysia
53. Populer culture ariel heryanto
54. MK31695_Anshari, Saifuddin_Jakarta Charter

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1 komentar:

mkasih mas informasinya..
bermanfaat sekali..
oya mas, mau tanya saya punya ebook seo dan ebook kursus seo kalau di jual laku brapa ya mas.. :)

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