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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Katalog Ebook Februari 2011

Daftar Ebook Murah (Harga per ebook hanya 15 ribu, spesial bulan ini)

1. The Public Relation Handbook, By Alison Theaker (Routladge)
2. The Public Relation Writer’s Handbook By Merry Aronson (Jossey Bass)
3. 21st Century Communication - A Reference Handbook Jilid 1 dan 2, by William F. Eadie ( Sage Publication).
4. Evaluating Public Relation, by Tom Watson (Replika Press)
5. Challenging Authoritarianism Asia (Indonesia-Malaysia), by Ariel Heryanto (Routledge)
6. Hanbook of public diplomacy, by Nancy Snow (Routledge)
7. Chinese Grammar in English, by Yip-Po Ching (Routledge)
8. Usa history in Brief
9. The_Interpretation_of_Dreams_-_Sigmund_Freud
10. Total Quality Management in Education, by Edward Sallis
11. John perkins economic hit man
12. Populer culture by Ariel Heryanto
13. Ramadan in Java by Andre Moller
14. Islam n Ideology Indonesia by Howard Federspil
15. Islam Indonesia and fatwa by MB Hooker
16. Global Ethics by Hans Kung
17. Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World (Norton; 2008)
18. Qur'an User Guide by Farid Esack
19. Islamic Roots of Democratic Pluralism by abdul aziz Sachedina
20. Progresif muslim on justice, gender, pluralism by safi Malaysia
21. Democracy, Human Rights and Islamic Thought by Abd aljabiri
22. Islamic Thought by abdullah saeed
23. Classical Arabic philosophy by John Mc Ginnis
24. Understanding human communication by Ronald Adler dan George Rooman
25. Madrasah_in_Asia by Farish A. Noor Martin Van Bruinessen
26. Reformation Islamic thought by Nasr Hamdi Abu Zaid dan nur kholis setiawan
27. book of peace
28. Manifesto of Communist Party by Karl Marx and Engels
29. The Protestant  ETHIC and  spirit capitalism by Max Weber
30. The protestant ETHNIC and spirit capitalism bu Rey Chow
31. Feminist theory the state by johana kantola
32. state of feminist social work by Vicky White
33. State feminism in Japan by Yoshie Kobayasi
34. Economic Inequality by James Foster dan Amartya Sent
35. Feminist research in Theory n Practice Gayle Letherby
36. Remaking Politics Muslim by Robert W. Hefner
37. In the name of identity  by Amin maalouf
38. Qualitative_Data_Analysis by Miles dan Huberman
39. Buku Piagam Jakarta 22 Juni 1945 (Bahasa Indonesia) oleh Endang Syaifuddin Anshari

by Marketer Ebook Murah
HP: 085655123861

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